Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fresh Fruits

Eating More Fruits
Eating more fruits is one of the best things you can do for your body.  Eating fresh fruits is better than eating canned, juiced, or cooked fruits.  Fresh fruits are most easily obtained when in season locally, so when fresh fruits are on sale, better pick some up while you can and freeze it for future uses.  Freezing your fruits will help to obtain its nutritional value.  When freezes fresh fruits, it's great for making smoothie, or just fresh juice, the frozen fruits are ice-like, so no need for ice.
Recommends a minimum of 1 1/2 to 2 cups of fruits a day.
Fruits such as
full of vitamin C + potassium
contain compounds that protect against urinary tract infection
eating with skin gives high does of fiber, soluble and in soluble, which helps lower cholesterol and keeps you regular and is crammed with antioxidants
high in potassium and lower in sodium, help lower risk of high blood pressure and stroke, half of a banana or a small banana is enough and good for a day
contains twice as much vitamin C, lower risk of cataracts and could even protect DNA from damage
"Red and Purple Grapes"
are powerful antioxidant source of nutrition, help fight heart disease, but drinking red and purple wine can be harsh to the brain for memory loss
excellent source of vitamin C and other antioxidants
I highly recommend snacking for breakfast because it contains papain, a substance that helps improve the digestion, provide a lot vitamin C and good source of foliate.
Thank You!
♡ pakouxiong

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